1 Clique percolation
Clique percolation is a community detection method developed by Gergely Palla and his co-workers, see Palla, Gergely, Imre Derényi, Illés Farkas, and Tamás Vicsek. 2005. Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society. Nature 435(7043):814-8. Pubmed Arxiv.
This algorithm is not implemented in igraph, but here is a quick (and rather inefficient) version to do it:
clique.community <- function(graph, k) {
clq <- cliques(graph, min=k, max=k)
edges <- c()
for (i in seq_along(clq)) {
for (j in seq_along(clq)) {
if ( length(unique(c(clq[[i]], clq[[j]]))) == k+1 ) {
edges <- c(edges, c(i,j)-1)
clq.graph <- simplify(graph(edges))
V(clq.graph)$name <- seq_len(vcount(clq.graph))
comps <- decompose.graph(clq.graph)
lapply(comps, function(x) {
unique(unlist(clq[ V(x)$name ]))
2 Label propagation algorithm by Raghavan et al.
Usha Nandini Raghavan, Réka Albert and Soundar Kumara. 2007. Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks, Phys. Rev. E 76, 036106 Arxiv
A quick implementation by Peter McMahan, he sent this to the igraph-help mailing list.
largeScaleCommunity <- function(g,mode="all"){
V(g)$group <- as.character(V(g))
thisOrder <- sample(vcount(g),vcount(g))-1
t <- 0
done <- FALSE
t <- t+1
done <- TRUE ## change to FALSE whenever a node changes groups
for(i in thisOrder){
## get the neighbor group frequencies:
groupFreq <- table(V(g)[neighbors(g,i,mode=mode)]$group)
## pick one of the most frequent:
newGroup <- sample(names(groupFreq) [groupFreq==max(groupFreq)],1)
if(done){done <- newGroup==V(g)[i]$group}
V(g)[i]$group <- newGroup
## now fix any distinct groups with same labels:
for(i in unique(V(g)$group)){
## only bother for connected groups
theseNodes <- V(g)[group==i]
theseClusters <- clusters(subgraph(g,theseNodes))
## iterate through the clusters and append their names
for(j in unique(theseClusters$membership)){
V(g)[theseNodes[theseClusters$membership==j]]$group <- paste(i,j,sep=".")
3 How to use the community detection algorithms?
3.1 Code
Gábor wrote this in the mailing-list.
memberships <- list()
### edge.betweenness.community
ebc <- edge.betweenness.community(G)
mods <- sapply(0:ecount(G), function(i) {
g2 <- delete.edges(G, ebc$removed.edges[seq(length=i)])
cl <- clusters(g2)$membership
modularity(G, cl)
g2 <- delete.edges(G, ebc$removed.edges[1:(which.max(mods)-1)])
memberships$`Edge betweenness` <- clusters(g2)$membership
### fastgreedy.community
fc <- fastgreedy.community(G)
memb <- community.to.membership(G, fc$merges,
memberships$`Fast greedy` <- memb$membership
### leading.eigenvector.community
lec <- leading.eigenvector.community(G)
memberships$`Leading eigenvector` <- lec$membership
### spinglass.community
sc <- spinglass.community(G, spins=10)
memberships$`Spinglass` <- sc$membership
### walktrap.community
wt <- walktrap.community(G, modularity=TRUE)
wmemb <- community.to.membership(G, wt$merges,
memberships$`Walktrap` <- wmemb$membership
### label.propagation.community
memberships$`Label propagation` <- label.propagation.community(G)
3.2 Example
G <- graph.disjoint.union(graph.atlas(1000),graph.atlas(1001),graph.atlas(1002))
G <- add.edges(G,c(2,10,11,15,16,0))
G$layout <- layout.kamada.kawai
V(G)$color <- rainbow(3)[memberships$'Edge betweenness'+1]
4 Testing the significance of a community
The following code snippet performs a Wilcoxon rank-sum test on the "internal" and "external" degrees of a community in order to quantify its significance. Let us call the edges within a community "internal" and the edges connecting the vertices of a community with the rest of the graph "external". The null hypothesis of the test is that there is no difference between the number of "internal" and "external" edges incident to a vertex of the community. More internal than external edges show that the community is significant; less internal than external edges show that the community is in fact an "anti-community". The p-value of the test performed by this function will be close to zero in both cases; the value of the test statistic tells us whether we have a community or an anti-community.
community.significance.test <- function(graph, vs, ...) {
if (is.directed(graph)) stop("This method requires an undirected graph")
subgraph <- induced.subgraph(graph, vs)
in.degrees <- degree(subgraph)
out.degrees <- degree(graph, vs) - in.degrees
wilcox.test(in.degrees, out.degrees, ...)